Trading Spaces – The “New” Living Room

I’ve had several requests from you guys to see the “after” of the living room that now resides in my old dining room.  Here it is: “New” Living Room   This was the room when it was set up as the dining room – as it had been for the...

Vintage Luggage

Time for sharing another one of my collections.  I love having collections that are as functional as they are aesthetically-pleasing. Vintage luggage can be found at yard sales, antique malls, and ebay.  They come in beautiful vintage colors, instantly giving away the...

Vintage Colored Glassware

I have a few pieces of green depression glass that belonged to my grandmother.  I keep them in a cupboard in my dining room.  I saw an episode of Cash in the Attic last week where a couple sold their depression glass for over $1000.  They had a whole lot more of it...

Vintage Chairs

If you know me at all, you know I am a sucker for estate sales and yard sales.  If you know me really well, you know I am a sucker for vintage chairs of all kinds.  My husband thinks my chair obsession is excessive, but I use them all!  Now, I’m not talking Aunt...