Halloween Specimen Jars

Come into my spooky laboratory!  I want to share some ideas for scary Halloween specimen jars.  You will need jars, vases, cloches, glass urns, cake domes, canning jars, or whatever glass containers you can come up with.  There are two ways to go with this:  wet or...

Color Up Above

If you haven’t heard, your ceiling is your fifth wall.  And the white ceiling is all over.  Done.  Kaputz.  Finito.   Well, maybe I’m being a bit extreme – but it’s time to consider painting your ceiling something other than white.   I hope...

Halloween Costumes

It’s two weeks before Halloween.  Do you know what you children are wearing for Halloween?  Now don’t get anxious or stressed out.  I’ve rounded up a few fun ideas for you to peruse . . . This is “Earth.”  A little hair lacquer, green...

Decorating with Maps

Who doesn’t love a good map?  They speak of history, travel, adventure.  Why not do a little decorating with maps?  I’m going to show you a few ways you can liven up your interior world with maps of the exterior world Pick your points of interest or even a...

Purples, Lavenders, and Blues

Call me narrow-minded, but I wasn't sure what to think when I first started seeing the pairing of purple with blue.  I used to think you had to stick to one shade in a range of colors:  red, pink, or orange – but never two or three of those...