Urban Outfitters

 I recently spent some time in the Urban Outfitters in the Gulch here in Nashville.  I did a lot of looking around and soaking in while my husband tried on two hundred pairs of jeans.  It’s amazing the inspiration you can get from cutting edge merchandising.

I heart deers!!  OK, I just love this little deer lamp.  The unexpected color  and sassy shape makes it such a conversation piece.  My daughter would love this in her bedroom.  Image from The Decorologist


I’m digging that they used an old dining table to set merchandise on – painted in a funky purple color.  A little paint can take any old stodgy furniture to a new, modern level.
Image from The Decorologist

Image from The Decorologist Love this retro kitty.  It’s actually a Kitty Bank, instead of the predictable Piggy Bank.

Another cool lamp – a kitschy take on those larger ones from the 1970’s.  Who remembers those?  I always wanted one for myself, but alas . . .  Image from The Decorologist

 Image from The Decorologist These are perfect for hanging your necklaces and bracelets on.  I’ll take three!

Need a hand organizing your rings?  There’s even a few here with palm reading charts on them. Image from The Decorologist

Image from The Decorologist I fixated on the stained concrete floor as I waited for my husband to model his new jeans for me.  I was recently in the home of a Nashville designer whose personal residences have been featured in magazines such as Country Living.  He and his wife had stripped out all the carpet in their sprawling ranch home and simply stained the underlying concrete.  They said they love the ease of maintenance and that their children are able to skateboard and rollerskate inside!

Next time you’re in a store you like, really pay attention to the decor and the clever way they stage their merchandise.  Inspiration is everywhere, my friends!



Photo Credits:  Kristie Barnett



1 Comment

  1. Lora

    I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t know Urban Outfitters was now open…I sense a shopping trip, stat!


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