7 Secrets to Saving Money When Staging Your Home

My years of experience in staging homes in Nashville has taught me a few things about where to spend money and where to save money when marketing a property to sell.  Many people spend their money in all the wrong places, when consulting with a good Home Stager first...

Dueling Homes – Which Will Sell First?

Two homes with the same layout in the same neighborhood.  If they are similarly priced, which one’s going to sell and which is going to flounder on the market? The Decorologist   Why don’t we start with House #1?  Here’s a brief tour of the home:...

A Victorian Christmas

The Christmas festivities have begun – my family and I travelled to my husband’s aunt and uncle’s home yesterday for our annual family Christmas get-together.  I just have to share a little of my aunt and uncle’s historic home.   They have...