You know I get pretty excited when I find a bargain. The dollar aisle at Target is a treasure trove for children’s party goody bags, and occasionally for home decor items. All the Christmas stuff is out now, and yesterday I found charger plates there in holiday colors. For you who are not aware, charger plates are simply large decorative plates that sit beneath your dinner plate to catch food that falls outside the plate and to add another layer of texture and color to your tablescape. |
Target has them in 2-packs of gold, silver, red, and green. You know how there’s a section in the dollar aisle where things are actually $2.50? Well, these were marked $2.50 – still a killer deal. So I scooped up 4 2-packs and went to the checkout. And they rung up as $1. That means each charger plate was $.50. You can’t get that kind of deal at a yard sale! |
Next day, I was regretting not getting a set of 12. So I went back to Target – and all the gold ones were gone. But they still had lots of silver. And they were still marked $2.50, so I figured I had just lucked up the other day and that they wouldn’t ring up as $1 again. I don’t like the silver quite as much as the gold – they look more gray than silver. But I snatched up a full set of 12 and went to check-out once again. Again, they rang up $1 per 2-pack. So I paid $6.54 for 12 charger plates. Woo-hoo! |
They may have a new shipment next time I go shopping, but who knows? If you want to rack up on this deal, I suggest you rush on out to Target and get these before they’re gone!
Old Time Pottery has 13″ gold ones–and silver and red–for $1.25/ea. Not quite the deal you got, but still pretty cheap!
Thank you to Staci N. who found more gold chargers at her local Target and picked up an extra 4 for me! Now I have 12 gold and 12 silver. Time for a big dinner party! 🙂