Modern Wall Displays of Collections

I often hear people say they don’t like collections because they consider them to be clutter.  It’s true, many people display their collections in a cluttered, unfocused manner.  But collections give a home personality and soul.   They represent things that are important to the people living in that space.   When they are displayed in a cohesive grouping, collections tell a story.   A story worth listening to.
Image from The Decorologist

Image from The Decorologist I have a lovely client who collects Sid Dickens art blocks.  Each one is chosen by her and her husband with care – each represents something about their lives together.   This in the dramatic entry I helped them create to emphasize and enhance this collection.  Not many people would have the guts to go with a bold wall color like this, but it really sets off this collection.



Many people collect shells to remind them of a vacation of a beach get-a-way.   Displaying a shell collection can be, well, predictable.  Not so here.  This graphic display of shells in glass jars and wood cubes is totally effective in drawing you in and making you take notice. 

Image from The Decorologist



Unusual collections, like these vintage splints, hint at the owner’s unique passions and make for great conversation!  Displayed on a table or shelves, this collection would look like cluttered junk.  Displayed in these simple black-framed shadow boxes, these splints look almost architectural. Image from The Decorologist



Image from The Decorologist If you want an uncluttered look on the wall, keep spacing consistent and follow some kind of pattern when hanging items.  Also, a single color of items equals less visual clutter.  Any way you hang it, wall displays are a great way to showcase the collections that have meaning for you.


Photo Credits:  Apartment Therapy (1,3), StoneBrook Interior Styling, Elements of Style,  JD Organizer.


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the bundt pans on the wall. My bookcase packed with vintage cookbooks, while not as original display-wise, brings my sun room an added touch and I love to flip through them. Another great post. 🙂

  2. kristiebarnett

    Thanks, Jennifer. Books are the BEST collections to display, of course!! Especially vintage ones 🙂


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