Vintage Colored Glassware
I have a few pieces of green depression glass that belonged to my grandmother. I keep them in a cupboard in my dining room. I saw an episode of Cash in the Attic last week where a couple sold their depression glass for over $1000. They had a whole lot more of it than me, of course! |

I also have a very large set of pinkish glass dessert plates, dessert bowls, glasses, and parfaits that came from one of my husband’s great aunts. I use them for special dinners and both wedding and baby showers. |
But what I find to be the most ultimately functional, as well as beautiful, is the heavier colored glassware that was manufactured in the 1970’s. Glassware in the colors of that era was widely popular and affordable to most people. It is heavier and less fragile than glassware from earlier decades, making it totally practical for everyday use. And, it is extremely easy to find and exceptionally cheap. I find it at almost every estate sale I visit. The two most popular colors were amber/gold and green. Your mother or grandmother probably has some still up in her cupboard or maybe packed up in the attic. |
30 years have past, and its time has come again! Remember, it’s all about context. Green and gold glassware with avocado green and harvest gold accessories looks like a flashback to the 70’s. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. 🙂 |
Today, vintage 70’s glassware can look totally current. Pair amber or green with white or crystal for a sophisticated look. I like to use amber glass in the fall or winter. I use green both at Christmastime and during the spring or summer.

Blue glassware was not as common in the 70’s, but there’s still some of it out there. I found 7 blue water glasses at an estate sale for $14 total. I like it in the spring and summer with white and pink. Or even with my green for an unexpected mix.

A collection of vintage colored glassware can be an inexpensive way to add color and interest to your dinner table, whether you are entertaining or just decorating your tabletop.
Someone gave me a dark green diamond cut set of glasses that was irridescent on the outside. I had never seen that type before. I didn’t need them so I passed them on to Goodwill. Oops! I probably should have kept them.
Also of course interesting/unusual pieces can be used outside the dining room. I have a green depression glass butter holder (small square with beautiful lid) that I use to store cotton balls on my bathroom counter.
Just wandered over from someone’s blog somehow! 🙂 You know how it goes. Anyway, I collect (I use that term fairly loosely) the green color in the first photo but the last photo is my favorite. That is beautiful with the little ballerinas, color combos, etc. Kelly
p.s. I think I’d like to be a stager sometime in the future too.
I have a whole china cabinet full of this that my grandmother collected. Clear, yellow and green.