How to Shop for Home Decor – A Quiz for Bargain Shoppers

Shopping is supposed to be  easy and fun, right?  Especially when shopping for decor bargains.  There is no shame in shopping for decor in any variety of stores, and I am the first to encourage you to do so.  But sometimes that is easier said than done – many of my clients find shopping for their homes frustrating and overwhelming.  Are you able to zero in on inexpensive things that can give you a higher end look in the right context?  My decorating clients value that I can quickly weed through the stuff that will only hinder the improvement of their decor and zero in on the things that take their space to a new level. 

Shopping is FUN!  Or is it???


 How about we take a little quiz?  The following photos are of items from my local Hobby Lobby.  Hobby Lobby is one of those places where you can sometimes find good accessories for your home.  Sometimes.  Most of the time, however, Hobby Lobby accessories look like . . . well, like they are from Hobby Lobby.   Let’s don’t make this about personal taste, rather consider whether each item is currently on-trend and if would appear more high-end than typical Hobby Lobby fare.  For each photo, give it a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down,” then see how you did at the end of this post (no cheating!).


1.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



2. Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



3. Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



4.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



5.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



6.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



7.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



8.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



9.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?




10.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



11.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



12.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



13.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



14.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



 15.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?



 16.  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?


I certainly don’t want to offend anyone for their own personal taste – this is simply an exercise in whether or not you can distinguish between what looks on-trend or current and appears more high-end (expensive) than it is.  If you like something, buy all means get it if it makes you happy!   Ok, let grade the quiz:  give yourself 1 point each if you voted thumbs up to the following:  1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 11, 16.  Now give yourself 1 point each if you voted thumbs down for these:  3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15.   Will you be brave enough to share your results? 

If you find shopping for your home frustrating and overwhelming, contact The Decorologist to help you make the right decisions more quickly and efficiently!


  1. Molly

    I love this post! Fun! The one that surprised me was #9. I think I need to run to Hobby Lobby for some #5!

  2. Lora

    I thumbs upped 1, 5, 8 and 9…and that was it! Makes me feel MUCH better about my Hobby Lobby excursions…I must be doing something right! 😀

  3. Ange

    Woo hoo! I did pretty darn good! 🙂 That was fun and I do love Hobby Lobby because they can have some great items and their scrapbook paper/craft supplies rock!

  4. Shelly

    what a fun post! I’m not a fan of HL, so this was a little tricky. Got only 3 wrong – so not too bad.

  5. Sherry Daniele

    What a creative and fun post. I love how you distinguished whether an item was on trend or just made to look more expensive than it is. I guess subconsciously, I made purchasing decisions based on that, but not consciously enough to articulate that distinction. THANK YOU!

  6. lpoole3281

    I got 12 right. I need to check out Hobby Lobby. I’ve never been there. :/ By the way, I have a large laundry basket of number 2.

    • Kristie Barnett

      ooh, we may need to create a table centerpiece out of that, laila!!!

  7. joy

    I got 12/16 ! so I think that’s not too bad : )

  8. Sheri

    I got 11 out of the 16. I hate antlers and will always vote them down, so that cost me 2 points.

  9. Cyndia

    I was most surprised that you chose #11 as a thumbs up. It looks too shiny and plastic for my taste; nothing like the real thing.
    As for the rest, I got all but that one in the thumbs up category. I would have chosen a couple from the thumbs down category but only in the “right” room.
    Funny thing, I was in Hobby Lobby only a couple of days ago, and walked around disgusted at the few decent things there were to use in a room I am decorating. I would say 95% of their decor is tacky at best and WAY overpriced for what you get.

    • Kristie Barnett

      I have to agree, Cyndia – there is a bunch of tacky stuff there, and mostly overpriced. By the way, #11 looked really cool in real life – it would make the perfect paper weight!

  10. Sheila Zeller

    What a great post! I got 12/16, but we don’t have a Hobby Lobby so can’t comment on whether I like it or not 🙂

  11. Kristie Barnett

    This is too funny – I have to keep going back to see which one was #11 or #2 or whichever you are each saying you liked or “didn’t get.” Love the feedback 🙂

  12. Shari

    Okay, I only 9/15 right. I guess I am Hobby Lobby challenged! This was fun though. What is your favorite place to score big on accessories? Or does it totally depend on the room/client, etc.?

  13. Dianne

    I got all the thumbs up right except one – the white vase with the fleur de leis….

    • Kristie Barnett

      good job!!! that one was borderline, dianne. the baby angel put it over the edge.

  14. Barbara

    Hate to sound like a Snobby Snot, but the only one that I liked was #5. HL is coming to northern California, so I’ll see if’s a step up from Michael’s. TJMax and Marshall’s are good accessory sources, but wherever I go, I have to ask myself, “Do I like, it, love it or want it because it’s cheap?”.

    • Kristie Barnett

      Barbara, those are important questions to ask yourself – many of us buy things just because they are cheap, and that’s no way to decorate your home!

  15. marie

    How fun! I voted thumbs up to 2,8,9 and 11. This place reminds me of the Home Goods we have here that I LOVE, but there are lot’s of funky things mixed in so it’s a treasure hunt!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thanks for playing along, Marie! But I assure you, Hobby Lobby is NO Home Goods. You have weed out a LOT of junky stuff.

  16. Monique

    I got 12 out of 16. But I don’t like following trends. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen photos of the same knife and fork hanging on a kitchen wall with the word “Eat” or “Cafe” posted in kitchens. I, too, like the questions Barbara asks herself. And I’d add another question…Am I buying this because it’s a part of a trend and because everyone has one? The rebel in me says Dare to be Different! 🙂

  17. Lee

    I only got 9 correct. But I’m with Sheri about hating antlers and I love the fleur de lis shape so that all probably hurt my score. I knew to “up” the white mirror from being a reader of your blog. Thanks for keeping the lessons coming!

  18. Laura @ TheTurquoiseHome

    I gave less thumbs up than you did!! 🙂 I usually stick to craft items, though, at Hobby Lobby. But I'm glad you gave the last one (the bird) a thumbs up, because I did buy that! It reminds me of the much more expensive Pottery Barn birds that I've been drooling over forever. 🙂

  19. MK

    Hey Kristy,  it would be awesome if you could a quiz like this again so that those of us with a HobbyLobby budget can stay on-trend!!  You do have impeccable taste. 

  20. A. Howse

    Scored 15/16. Kristie, I read every email you send. You are so practical and make decorating look fun and NOT SO EXPENSIVE AND WITH GOOD TASTE!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Good job, Annette – but I know you are a natural!


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