My New Old Federal Style House

It’s a new year. And hey, it’s even a new decade! And while many things are continuing along the same path as they have been in my life, one BIG thing is changing. We bought a house. And it’s not JUST a house. It’s an over 200-year-old, history-steeped, federal style house that’s been hiding in plain sight for over a century.

May-Granbery Manor Nashville federal style brick historic home

The house is museum quality, which is practically impossible to find in Nashville. Unfortunately, that also means that the mechanicals are a bit lacking and it is not shall-we-say up to modern comfort standards . . .

The last addition to the house (the kitchen) was likely made in the late 1800s, and the latest remodel was done in 1939. Precious little has changed in this house, owned generationally by the same family for 120 years, since that 1939 remodel. Take a peek at the kitchen:

brick hearth in historic kitchen

One of my greatest passions in life is historical homes. I love nothing more than immersing myself in historical architecture, time-capsule interiors, vintage fabrics and furnishings, anything that evokes nostalgia for a time past.

Mr. Man and I have restored or renovated a handful of historic homes since we married, and neither of us can imagine choosing to live in a “new” house. They don’t make them like they used to, and we’ll take character and architectural interest over walk-in closets and modern bathrooms any day of the week.

Here’s the original key to the front door of the federal style house:

historic home key

Can you imagine carrying this around in your pocket??? Every door and every closet of this house has its own lock and key. There are dozens of them, each different!

This is the front entry of the house. The layout of this space and the shape of the wooden handrail is consistent with the federal style of the building. The floors throughout are original, mostly walnut and poplar.

federal home entry staircase in May-Granbery Manor

One of the most striking things about the house is the WALLPAPER. Most of it appears to be 70-80 years old. I have always loved vintage wallpaper and am always thrilled to see the occasional throwback paper at estate sales or in museum homes.

vintage wallpaper in federal style historic home


federal style staircase


federal style staircase bannister handrail

While we are preserving much of the old wallpaper, some will need to be replaced because of old water damage. This is the front door with its beautiful transom window above.

federal style transom window door

The wood beams, paneling, and bookcases were added in the 1939 remodel. We are adding more bookcases to make this space a proper library. It’s always been a dream of mine to have a true library!

dark paneling library with wood stain beams

The house has seven fireplaces, but just a few ceiling light fixtures. Last week’s chimney inspection was a punch in the gut – turns out it can be extraordinarily expensive to restore 200-year-old fireplaces to safety standards. We’ve got a lot of research to do before deciding what will happen with those . . .

historic dining room fireplace mantel with crystal chandelier

The original windows are still intact. Large, true divided-light panes, and wavy glass. A different wallpaper animates every room you enter.

magnolia wallpaper


vintage floral wallpaper


federal style house bedroom vintage wallpaper

There’s more, but today I just wanted to introduce you to this long-hidden gem. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve had asbestos abated and all of the plumbing removed and replaced. I’ll be sharing our progress over the coming months, as I have big plans for this historical beauty.

The day after we closed on the house, I snapped this selfie. It seems appropriate that the sun shone so brightly on us both in this photo, as this house is a glorious gift and treasure that I am grateful to be able to be its caretaker in the coming years! It’s one of the oldest remaining brick houses in Nashville, built on land that was granted to one of the cities’ early pioneers following the Revolutionary War. I thank God for this amazing opportunity to live and work in this piece of American history.

federal style May-Granbery Manor

Would you like to take a little tour with me? Here’s my first video – there will be more to come!


  1. Corrie

    Yay! Congrats! I am so excited to follow along on your house’s journey. Pleases share lots of pics as you go along–especially progress ones–since so many people like me will be living vicariously!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you, Corrie! I will definitely do that! Be sure to follow me on Instagram and FB, too. I’ve already shared different things there!

  2. Lisa W

    Oh Kristie it’s GORGEOUS!!!! And so perfect for you! Super excited for you all – can’t wait to see how it all unfolds!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Lisa, thank you so much! I’m bursting with ideas and can’t wait to watch this house bloom!

  3. Kelly Bernier

    Absolutely gorgeous Kristie! Love the history!! So happy for you my friend! Wallpaper just so cool.

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you, Kelly! The history here is mind-blowing. I have a lot more to research and learn!

  4. Kristin

    Amazing home! Congratulations, Kristie! I know this must be a dream come true for you. Can’t wait to see the progress.

    • Kristie Barnett

      A dream I never dared to dream, Kristin! Thank you!

  5. Sue

    Absolutely beautiful

  6. Nancy

    So happy for you! We will enjoy following the TLC you give this beautiful home.

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you, Nancy! Be sure to follow me on Instagram and FB, as well – sharing lots there, as well!

  7. Wendy Morrison

    I am SO excited for you, Kristie! I feel the same way about historic homes. Someday I want to have another old home to rescue, but I’ll live vicariously through your posts till then. And if you need an extra hand, please reach out. Welcome, welcome, welcome home! Your brick beauty is lucky to have found you.

    • Kristie Barnett

      I know you understand my passion, Wendy! Thank you and you need to come visit soon!

  8. Janet

    So happy for you! What fun it will be to see the progress! Love to hear the story of how you got this property.

    • Kristie Barnett

      That’s DEFINITELY a long and crazy story! Lots to share! 🙂

  9. Lynne

    Congratulations Kristie! Your new/old house is stunning!!!

  10. Debby Rhoads

    How very happy I am, , oh so happy, you and yours are caretakers if this precious, historical, beautiful, house. I have said thus before’ She was hiding in plain sight waiting fir YOU!!!!!’ Let me know if I can help you in any way.

    • Kristie Barnett

      Oh Debby, thank you! I remember how I mentioned it to you at dinner during the EPS course, and that you encouraged me to not give up. As you can see, I didn’t! xo

  11. peggy wilcox

    Kristie, I absolutely love your new home! I too, would rather live in an “old” home! I know you will enjoy every moment you spend renovating it! I look forward to your next video!!!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you, Peggy! Also follow me on Instagram and FB, where I’m sharing lots of fun tidbits about my plans!

  12. Angela Christian

    I can’t even express how happy I am for you and your family in this purchase! I am also so happy for Nashville that YOU are the person to buy this home! I will be following every detail and I know it will be perfect! I’m just so thrilled!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Oh, thank you so much, Angela! I truly wanted to make sure this home wasn’t messed up by someone only interested in modernizing it. I have so many plans!

  13. Karina Aguon

    Kristie, I am so happy for you!! What an amazing project/adventure!! I know the home will be absolutely beautiful when you are done!!!

    Curious… did the family own the land/build the home you are currently living in?

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you, Karina! The home I currently live in is over the border of this home’s original property. For several decades, they were actually neighbors (across the street, literally). Our current home/land was originally a part of the Hill property. The original Hill house is similar in age to the “new” house, and still stands in the middle of Aberdeen Woods neighborhood. Our house was built by Joseph Vietti of the former Nashville-based Vietti meat company. His famous Vietti chili recipe was formulated in our little kitchen. Vietti must have purchased this acreage from whoever owned the Hill land in the 1930s (I believe the Cochrans) to build our current stone house.

  14. Angela

    Wow! What an amazingly beautiful home. I am so excited to see what you do with it.

  15. Jenn Carr

    What a treasure of a home! I can’t wait to see what you guys do with it. Eagerly looking forward to more updates. Also, please show some of the landscape when you can. I spotted some enormous Boxwoods in the front yard, so I’m curious about the rest of the property. (I’m a landscape architect, so that part comes naturally. 😉 )

    • Kristie Barnett

      Jenn, it certainly is a treasure! I will definitely share the exterior and landscaping as we move forward. We I first toured this property, it was early summer. It was absolutely beautiful – huge, old trees and lush surroundings. In the dead of winter, it’s not quite as glorious! The most recent occupant’s grandmother planted all of the boxwoods – there are a ton of them on the property! I can’t wait to see what bulbs and plants emerge in the spring. 🙂

  16. Anne4

    Can’t think of a better caretaker for this beautiful house. Fantastic to see the patterned wallpaper – I’m so bored with plain walls and colour blocking. You will inspire us!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you so much, Anne! I can’t wait to show you how I intend to revive these faded wallpapers and share my choices for replacements, where necessary!

  17. Gina

    This is so exciting! Congratulations, Kristie and family! I’m so excited to be following you throughout this restoration.

  18. Sandy LeRoy

    I love seeing your excitement and enthusiasm for this beautiful historic home. More should be in the hands of people who will treasure and properly care for them.

    • Kristie Barnett

      So many people buy an old house for the property/land/location and simply want to take it down to the studs and start over. It breaks my heart when I see that happen. I’ve fought and prayed for this house, I’m just hopeful she’ll love me back! 😉

  19. Caren Kirkpatrick

    Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your family! Can’t wait to follow the renovations! Best wishes,
    Caren Kirkpatrick
    Savvy Home Staging

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you, Caren! I wish you all could see it in person!

  20. Pamela

    Wow! Congratulations.

    My favorite home was a pre-civil war stone farmhouse that had some history with the civil war and the underground railroad. I had a huge walk in fireplace in the kitchen and three others in the house. Most of the architectural integrity had been maintained over the years.

    I am so excited to see this home come to life again with all of your love.

    • Kristie Barnett

      Sounds like an amazing house, Pamela! I hope I can do my new old house justice – there is so much Nashville history here!!!

  21. Kathy Westhoven

    This house couldn’t have fallen into better hands! Congratulations!

  22. Beth Lester

    I am SO excited for you, Kristie. You are the perfect person to rescue this house & be its caretaker. Some things are just meant to be!!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Beth, you wouldn’t believe all the PROVIDENCE that has led up to this. I hope to share and use this house in a way that is worthy!

  23. Barb Carroll

    I’m so happy for you and your family! I’m sure the previous home owner is thrilled that it’s in your precious care! Love the cross in the key, I love everything thus far about this home! This remodel needs to be a weekly TV show.

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you, Barb! I’m going to really try to do a lot of videos along the way – thank you for the encouragement!!

    • Nicole Terry

      I agree — especially about the TV show part! Get a camera crew out there — this is an amazing house!

  24. Theresa Ceglio

    Congratulations Kristie! It is such a beautiful piece of history and I am so enjoying watching it unfold with you. Very exciting 🥰

  25. Maggie Setler

    WOW! That is a fantastic house…and fantastic that you bought it. I know that you will bring it back to its former glory!!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you, Maggie! I’m certainly going to try my best!

  26. ceil tarwater

    WHEWWIEEE! HOW LOVELY & WONDERFUL! Good luck with reno. So many creative projects in every corner!! LOVE IT!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you so much, Ceil – Praying for renovation mercies!!!

  27. Leslie

    What a beautiful home!! I love the wallpaper too 😉 Congratulations!!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you, Leslie! We’ve got a lot of fun projects ahead of us!

  28. Ann Pereira

    What a dream come true for you Kristie and I’m so excited about your new endeavor. This special property deserves an owner who truly values its rich history and there couldn’t be a more fitting curator than you!

    • Kristie Barnett

      It IS a dream come true! Thank you for the encouragement, Ann!

  29. Elizabeth

    Oh my friend, this home is so you! It’s beautiful and I can’t wait to see what you do with it- and it’s huge! You’ve got to take me on a tour. And I can only imagine what the chimney inspection revealed. True masonry fireplaces can be costly if there are repairs, but there is nothing like a real wood-burning fireplace in a home. It’s glorious, and I’m so happy for you!

    • Kristie Barnett

      The chimney inspection report was disheartening, to say the least! We are researching and seeking out more options and advice in that area, for sure! It would be a shame if we couldn’t use these beautiful fireplaces . . . I’d love for you to take a peek at the house, if you have time in between all the jet-setting!

  30. Nicole Terry

    Wow, this is soooo exciting — congratulations! Looking forward to following along!

  31. Emily

    SO amazing! Thank you for sharing your journey. I will be living vicariously through you!

  32. Lindy Crain

    That house is amazing, can’t wait to see what you do!

  33. Joanne

    Congratulations on becoming the new “caretakers” of this gem! I’m looking forward to following your restoration of this gorgeous home!

  34. Dianne Tant

    How wonderful! I love it!

  35. Dianne Tant


  36. Shelley

    Oh wow! What a beautiful home already! I know you must be overjoyed to put your personal touch on it. I can’t wait to see what all you do.

  37. Isabel

    Wow, I’d love to live in a house like this one if I were in the USA! Congratulations on this achievement and I will follow the remodel with much interest. I love Historic Homes!

  38. Pat Bowlby

    Wow Kristie! How exciting! I look forward to following the progress!

  39. Katie Baxter

    Kristie! I am so excited that you are taking on the preservation of this beautiful historic home! I went to elementary school with the children who once lived in this house and I have the fondest memories of playing there as a child. I distinctly remember the fireplace in the kitchen and the upstairs bedrooms. What a gem of a property! I cannot wait to follow along and see what you do with the place. Congratulations!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Oh wow! We’ll have to talk – I’d love to hear more!!!

  40. Catherine Lewis-Brown

    Wow!! This is awesome Kristie, I can’t wait to see what you do… are you planning to live here? What a dream!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Yes, Catherine – we plan to move in once the plumbing is updated and the kitchen is more functional! It’s going to be an adventure . . .

  41. Jennifer Smith

    I am looking forward to following along in your journey! Definitely a treasure and the process will be a labor of love. Congrats!

  42. Elena Espy

    How amazing for you and Mr. Man and exciting for us to be able to follow you on this journey! This is your house soul mate! I stayed in a 1910 B&B this weekend and thought of you several times but this is even better! Can’t wait to see the results!! Congratulations, Kristie. It’s absolutely beautiful.

    • Kristie Barnett

      Elena, I love the idea of “house soulmate!” It is exciting and frightening at the same time. But I’m up for the challenge and want to enjoy every crazy minute of it!

  43. Rachel Johnson

    Hi! This home belonged to an elementary school friend of mine. I grew up going over there for sleepovers. It is such a cool and enchanting place! I’m sure you will enjoy it!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Wow, really? That is so fun! Did you play in the log cabin?

  44. Maria Killam

    Kristie, how exciting! I love this house and wow what a kitchen, so fun! There’s nothing remotely this old where I live! xoxo Maria

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thank you, Maria! There are very few houses this old (and in this good of shape for their age) in Nashville. This was built in 1807, only a year after Nashville was incorporated as a city. It really is a rare find and a personal dream to get to own it and live in it. I’m very grateful!!! xo

  45. Amy

    So happy for you, Kristie! I have been following you for many years and am excited to see how you transform this historic house into your home!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Oh, thank you so much Amy! I appreciate your long-time following. xo

  46. Jeannie Casey

    oh what a fun adventure, a house to love.

  47. Jeannie Casey

    oh, what a fun adventure …a house to love.

  48. Kay Wells

    Thank you so much for the video tour. It is a wonderful house. And I love hearing all the history. And yes what a coincidence of the 1939 build and remodel. Keep the videos and pics coming. So excited for y’all.

  49. Kay Wells

    Great video.

  50. Molly

    That house is amazing! Congratulations on getting such a gem. I’m looking forward to seeing how things go because I know from following you that you will maintain the charm and character of the home while making the necessary updates. If I were a jealous person, I’d be having serious issues with not just the house but the library you’re making! I hope there’s an old house with a room for a library in my future.

  51. GeoC55

    OMG, What a GORGEOUS, aMAZing house!! I am with you on the love for vintage, historic homes. This one is like a fine, rare diamond. I can’t imagine a more perfect steward for this house than YOU. A lot of work but you will do a magnificent job, I’m sure. So happy for you and your family! ; )

  52. Mary S

    What an exciting adventure! I remember you considering it at my training and here you are going for it. I’m so happy to hear this, you lit up whenever you mentioned doing it while I was at your training. The best is yet to come! Congrats 🤗

  53. Susie

    Congratulations Kristie!! I am so happy for you. You and this house are a match made in heaven!! I cannot wait to follow along on this journey.

    Many blessings.

  54. Sarah Adams

    Yay! Super happy for you!!! The house couldn’t have received a better caretaker.

  55. Dinesh Kumar

    Amazing home . Wallpaper looks cool

  56. Kendra M Holroyd

    Just loved the tour, can’t wait to see what you do to this beautiful gem. Would love to renovate one of my own but my husband isn’t into this type of thing, so I will follow your journey with great anticipation. Congratulations, I’m so very excited for you!!!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thanks, Kendra! I certainly couldn’t pull this off without Mr. Man – even though we are hiring out most of the work, it requires a good deal of understanding about plumbing, electricity, and woodworking to oversee this project. He and I found hidden pipes that the professionals couldn’t find! Gotta be on top of everything . . .

  57. Debbie Hostetler

    Love, love, love it!!! Go Kristie and Phil!! Can’t wait to see what all you do! Still gonna have you fix my house someday!! 🙂

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thanks, Debbie! You’ll have to come visit after we move in!!

  58. Caryl

    The house is very fortunate to be owned by someone who will take care if her. Of course it’s a her !

  59. Cynthia Riegle

    This house was made for you! Look at the colors in the wallpaper- just absolutely perfect! I always say and have lived in this truth- God and his angels will bring forth what we desire – ten fold for they have omnipotent power of love- just like you love your family and now this reflection of of your passion. Enjoy your new home-

    • Kristie Barnett

      Oh, thank you so much, Cynthia!!! I am so grateful and do believe that only God’s providence made this possible. xo

  60. Dana Hartgraves

    Love your new home!! Congratulations!! Can’t wait to see the changes you will be making.

  61. David Alford

    So glad I found this site! I’m one of the descendants of John Alford who settled there in 1806 after receiving a land grant from serving in the Revolutionary War. We toured the house in the late 90’s and it looks like you did a wonderful job with the restoration. Are in of the log cabins still around? John Alford did not build the house but may have lived in one of the cabins. I’m glad they gated the cemetery when they built the sub-division.

  62. Stephen C Hickey

    A beautiful Federal house! I don’t understand why you would want to preserve 1939 wallpaper which is not period to that house, not in great condition, and doesn’t reflect the Federal style.

    Yes, as you pointed out in the main hall, some of the trim has been replaced. The trim around the entrance to the main parlor, for example, is Victorian…look at those corner blocks.

    Good luck!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Hi Stephen,
      I have since repapered all the rooms of this house except two. The front parlor is now a more vivid floral with a trellis wallpaper on the ceiling. You can check out my Instagram for more recent photos of the home. As for the 1939 wallpapers that remain, I kept them because I love them – and they reflect the history of the house, albeit not the earliest history. I believe in appreciating the ongoing history of a house, rather than making it a museum that only reflects the first 10 years of its history. Anything interesting from between 1807 and the 1960s is cool with me! 😉

  63. Victoria

    Thank you so much for sharing! We are in the process of having plans drafted for a new “old” federal style home. Your videos are so helpful with seeing the layout and architecture. If you don’t mind me asking, what is the square footage?


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