Confused by Paint Color?  Help is On the Way!

Confused by Paint Color? Help is On the Way!

I'm an educator at heart. I'm not a Color Consultant who simply tells a homeowner which colors to paint their walls without working through a collaborative and educational process first. I've found that there are so many...

Mirror Makeover with Annie Sloan Chalkpaint

A couple of months ago I found this varnished wood mirror at a yard sale for $30.  Didn't love the 1970's finish, but totally loved the frame.  I had no idea where I'd put it, but I buy things I love when I find them (if the price is right) and usually find a place...

Using An Accent Wall to Brighten a Space

My oldest daughter is turning 13 years old in a couple of weeks. Guess what she wants for her birthday? A more grown-up bedroom. What? She says she's tired of "childish" colors.  And she's just not feeling the "vintage" look...

Housewarming Party at HomeGoods – This Saturday!

Housewarming Party at HomeGoods – This Saturday!

As one of the first Blogger Ambassadors for HomeGoods, I'm so excited to be hosting an exclusive Shopping Party this Saturday for my readers!  As you well know, HomeGoods is one of my favorite sources for on-trend furnishings and decorative items at...

What Size Area Rug Do You Need?

What Size Area Rug Do You Need?

Clients and readers often ask me what size area rug do they need for their space.  Of course, that all depends. Here are some tips to help you determine what size rug is best for your situation. via Pinterest   "What size area rug do I need for my living room?"     If...

Guess Who’s Getting a New Sofa?

I'm very excited about the beautiful new sofa I have ordered for my living room, which should be here within a week.  This is the sofa, but it will be in a different fabric/color: Tufted sofa from Merridian Home Furnishings   It has a bit of a retro...

What 20 Minutes and Some Decorology Can Do

What 20 Minutes and Some Decorology Can Do

A top Nashville Realtor hired me last week to help get a listing on the market.  She gifted her new client with 2 hours of cut-to-the-chase, get-her-done, down-and-dirty Speed Staging.   This is Speed Skating, NOT Speed Staging   Speed Staging is a...

Set the Mood for Valentines by Decorating

Today I'm sharing the article I wrote for The Tennessean Style Section, which appeared in last Saturday's edition.  You can typically me in The Tennessean a couple of times a month. The Tennessean Style Section   I realize that Valentine's...

The Project That Won It for Me: 2013 RESA Staging of the Year

As many of you who follow The Decorologist on Facebook or Twitter may know, it was a big week for me!  I was thrilled to be notified that I had received the 2013 Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) award for Best Staging of North America!  I waited until my award...

paint color training course

Staging Certification

paint color training course

Color Certification

paint color training course

My Staging Book

paint color training course

Small Wall

paint color training course