Absolutely, You Can Center Your Bed on a Window!

You know how important furniture placement is to me.  I analyze, study, and experiment with it ceaselessly.  Why do I care so much?  Because I find that the Number 1 reason that most rooms look “wrong” is because of bad or off-kilter furniture arrangement.  I have clients who are completely flustered with their bedroom furniture placements because they cannot see the possibility of putting the bed in front of a window.  Here are a few examples to prove to you skeptics once and for all that the bed CAN be under  a window:

Image from The Decorologist

 via Pinterest

 98% of people would have put the bed in the photo above on one of the other walls in the room, but they wouldn’t have gotten the fabulous look that this small room got largely because the bed is centered on the window.


Image from The Decorologist

via Pinterest

In the photo above, the homeowner gets extra closet space on either side of the bed (behind the curtains) and solves the awkward problem of a high skinny window by placing the bed under the window.


bed in front of window

via Pinterest


Look how beautifully balanced the room above looks!   Here’s another lovely room with the bed placed under the window:

bed under window

 via Pinterest


Lest you think I don’t practice what I preach, here’s where my bed happily sits under the window:

bed under window

My Own Bed Under a Window


Sometimes the shape and architecture of a room calls for the bed to be placed squarely in front of a window, and there is NOTHING wrong with that.  Sometimes it’s just the right thing to do!




  1. jodi seaton

    Kristie – Yes, I am interested in a design workshop, online. Let me know if you do one! PS – Love the Monoco Blue! It looks like the exact blue I painted my front and back doors. Need to do more with you, soon!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Great Jodi! I’d love to see some more pics of what you’ve done 🙂

  2. Barbara

    Wow! The fabric/color choices in the first photo are scrumptious! It’s the window coverings that make all these room arrangements k so well, eh?

  3. Eileen

    You’ve inspired me to rethink my bedroom furniture arrangement. In our room, we have the dreaded corner fireplace, which breaks up a wall, and then a wall with 2 windows, and then a wall with the door to the bathroom, leaving only one full, unbroken wall…… and I guess that’s not even truly unbroken because it has the entry door. Anyway, what I’ve thought, and the way we have it arranged now, is with the bed against that entry wall. BUT, when you walk in, the bed is to the right, and not really the focal point of the room. Now, you’ve got me I’m thinking that I might try putting it between the 2 windows. It might work!

  4. Kate

    Wow – your bedposts frame your bedroom window PERFECTLY! Thanks for showing such obvious tips about how well-suited beds can be in front of windows! I pinned one of your pictures…

  5. Patti

    Kristie, I just moved into a 90-year old bungalo that has an odd shaped master and your post is giving me great ideas! I already placed our bed under the set of three windows (and in front of the radiator that already occupied that space). Now I can see what I need to do with window coverings and other furniture pieces…THANK YOU!!
    ~Patti from Cincinnati

  6. carol jane

    All your rooms are sooooo beautiful. Can you share what color is on your bedroom walls? So pretty.By the way, your blog is amazing!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Thanks, Carol Jane! My wall color is Ben Moore’s Violet Mist.

  7. Holly

    Absolutely a great tip for bedrooms. All of these are great examples of how this look can work.

  8. Lisa

    What a pretty bed you have! I moved my bed in front of our window and it made such a difference visually in the room. I had to deal with a window that is off center by mounting the curtain rod so that the walls on either side look even. I love that trick.

    • Kristie Barnett

      Being creative with where you mount the curtains is a great way to even out things in a bedroom – most people don’t ever think to do that, but it’s a great trick!

  9. carolsmyth@thedesignpages

    I don’t know where this ridiculous notion ever came from but I had my bed under the window in our last house and loved the fresh air that we got while sleeping. A design teacher once told me that in a bedroom there is only 1 correct furniture placement and if you don’t get it right your room will always look off. Thinking you can’t use a window as an anchor probably causes huge issues for people.

  10. Jane

    Love your work and excellent suggestions. I have window dilemma for you: my bedroom has a dormer window with only enough room for a chair and small table, and the other window is not centered on the wall where the bed is. I *disguised* this (and i use that term loosely) by placing a large drapery rod the width of the bed, and hung long curtains behind the headboard. When I want to let light in I open the curtain to show a hint of the window but without exposing the fact that the window does not span the whole width of the bed. I hate having to do this but that was the only thing I could think of to hide the fact that the window was small and not centered on the wall. This was the only wall on which to place the bed; I also thought of putting the bed at an angle in the corner, but it took up too much room. Do you have any other ideas for rooms with badly placed windows?

    • Kristie Barnett

      This actually sounds like a good solution to your problem – sometimes deceiving the eye with draperies to make a window look larger than it is can really help balance a room with wonky architecture!

      • Kim

        I have a similar dilemma. I have a large window that goes from nearly the ceiling to the floor on the right half of the bedroom. What’s a good trick to center the bed on the wall? Draperies would be too heavy, I think. Perhaps a picture or wall art? Your thoughts?

  11. Danijela

    There is nothing wrong with placing a bed or sofa under the window. It can look very elegant and save us a lot of space. Although it is not a happiest choice during winter, it’s still an amazing idea. I love these examples. Great post!

  12. Julie

    I currently have my bed under a window and love how it looks. The problem I have is the light that comes in in the morning. I have wood blinds and curtains but they aren’t doing the job. Can you recommend an attractive brand of room darkening curtains or blinds? Thanks!

    • Kristie Barnett

      I also have wood blinds – I have to make sure they are slanted up, rather than down, when closed. That helps with any light coming through. Honestly, it hasn’t been a problem for me – it helps me wake up! You can have any curtains lined with room-darkening fabric if you really need that. Check with a local seamstress who can do that for you.

  13. Nancy

    We just moved to a new place and I’m in the midst of wallpaper removal and trying to figure out how to decorate our bedroom. I wanted my dresser/mirror on a particular wall which meant the bed needed to be under the window. I thought it was probably a big design no-no, but I really like it. Glad to see your post about this…now I can better visualize how it might look once I get some paint and curtains up. Thanks!

  14. Kath

    Isn’t it bad feng shui to do so? The rush of energy from the window can compromise ones health…

  15. Laura

    Love the beautiful rooms. I have never hesitated to put a bed under a window but I have a little different problem…I have 2 windows that are separated by about 6 feet. any suggestions for creative window treatment there? Should I try to put curtains in between the windows to make it look like one big window or just each window separately? The bed does not fit perfectly between.
    Thank you!

  16. linda

    I have a room that is 17 by 22 it has a 4 foot wide window at the end but its arched and I have a shutter in it…would that look strange putting a bed in front of this arched window? It’s on the 17 foot wall? Should I drape the entire wall? Just not sure what to do… Thanks so much for all your help.. Really love your post and your work is beautiful!!!!!

  17. Jill

    Hi! I just rearranged my guest room with the bed in front of a large window. The window is the same width as the queen bed. Now i’m shopping for a headboard. Do you suggest a solid headboard or something that can let the light through like wrought iron with scroll design or picket fence style? Thanks!

  18. Lindsay


    I’ve seen lots of beds that are the same size or larger than the window they are in front of, but what about a twin bed in front of a large 6 foot window? My daughters room is a relatively small 10×10 space with 9 foot ceilings. Can you still place the bed under the window in this situation? Thanks!

    • Billie

      Love this idea but i do have a similar issue, My bed (4ft 6 in wide) does not fully cover my winder and leave an awkward space either side when centred. I planned to use larger curtains to cover part of the window but worried it will darken the space and then cause a problem with placing my bedside tables. any advise? Thanks 🙂

      • Kristie Barnett

        Your bed doesn’t have to fully cover the window. Curtain panels on either side of the window that “frame” the bed and provide a backdrop for your side tables can work nicely to visually unite the window/bed/side tables. Just make sure to extend the rod and curtains to where the panels extend to slightly beyond the side tables. Lamps on the side tables can sit right in front of the window panels. As for covering part of the window with curtains and possibly blocking light, if your window is wider than your 4 foot, 6 inch wide bed, sounds like you will still have plenty of light if you cover the ends of it a bit. I hope this helps!

  19. Francine

    These rooms are inspiring! I am moving to a new home at the beach and it feels like the best place for the bed would be under the window, but it is a large Palladian window, with arch. Is it possible to put a bed under a window like that? Would I need draperies for that window and others in the room? Because it’s a beach cottage I was planning for a less formal look. I would really appreciate any advice!

    • Kristie Barnett

      Yes, you can totally put a bed under a Palladian window. If you have plantation shutters or blinds, you don’t necessarily have to do a window treatment, BUT it would really make the bed a focal point if you hung panels on either side of the window – hang ’em high and somewhat outside the window, like I describe in some other posts. Ah, a beach cottage would be wonderful!!!

  20. Vinny

    Hi Kristie,
    I had put my bed under the window but I’m facing a structural issue that the window is not in the center of the room … so I’m not getting the bed in exact center of the window. I also have a full closet on the right wall on the side of wall where the space is more. is there anything I can do with curtains or blinds to reduce / remove the center issue?

  21. homeadvisor

    Fantastic Blog! Thanks for contributing the best tips in an approachable, down to earth way. You’re talent is huge, and your practicality is quite grounding in this digital world. Thank you!


  22. bazoocam

    I have an objection regrading ventilation system!

  23. YTMP4

    I love the idea of centering a bed on a window! It brings so much natural light into the space and creates a serene atmosphere. Thanks for sharing these tips on how to make it work stylishly!


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