I'm not much for "matching." Matched dining sets are safe, and safe is boring. It's much more interesting to mix and blend your furnishings and fabrics to create a welcoming and unique dining room. The Decorologist My client had just moved into a new home and...
Bella Rustica Barn Marketplace 2012 & Special Guest from Funky Junk Interiors
I am getting excited about the upcoming 2nd Annual Bella Rustica Barn Sale! It's the last weekend in September, and the weather should be perfect in middle Tennessee. Bella Rustica 2012 I really enjoyed the sale last year when it was held in Franklin, TN. There...
Is The Placement of Your Paint Color Making You Look Old?
Did you know that color placement is as important as your choice of colors? This is something I spoke a lot about in my recent Color Workshop here in Nashville. You probably know that certain color combinations and undertones of neutrals can appear dated. But did...
Small Space Solutions for Nashville Musician
One thing I really love to do is to figure out the essence of a client's style and make it happen for them in their space. It's so much fun for me to help create different atmospheres that express who the homeowner is or who they hope to become. So I was happy to...
How To Make a Dated Fireplace Fabulous and Then Some
I promised you earlier this week that I would share some of the details from my recent coastal living room makeover, so let's start with the amazing fireplace makeover! Most of you know that you can paint brick, but have you ever thought about painting stone? The...
Creating Homework Areas That Make Back-To-School Rock
It's hard to believe school is back in session. Now is the time to set aside a special place for the kiddos to get their homework done in peace. Here are some ideas for making homework less of a chore, more of a joy. by Lisa Wilson via Houzz.com The breakfast...
A Coastal Living Room Makeover by The Decorologist
Happy Labor Day! Sit back and enjoy a little trip to the coast today in this living room makeover. The Decorologist I showed you the make-over of this Brentwood client's entry last week, and it made it into the Style section of The Tennessean over the weekend!...
5-Minute Paint Project
Happy Friday, my friends! Special thanks goes out to Style Blueprint for including me in their list of Top 10 Design Blogs this week! Today I want to share a really simple project I completed this week in about five minutes. I bought this great statuary at a local...
Home Projects to Tackle Now That the Kids are Back In School
The new school year has begun for most folks. Whether you are glad or sad about seeing your kids head back to school, this just might be the best time of year for getting some important home projects started. My youngest has already finished her first project of the...
How To Live Like You’re on Vacation All Year
When I started working with my client about a year ago, it was obvious to me that she was drawn to all things shabby, chippy, and beachy. She called me in to help pulling those things together and making them work in her traditional suburban home. Front Porch -...