Hanging Out with Houzz at Nashville Event

Hanging Out with Houzz at Nashville Event

Last night I attended a debut Houzz.com event, along with a standing-room only group of Nashville design professionals at Kenny & Company in the ultra-hip Gulch area of downtown.   Nashville Houzz Event at Kenny & Company    I hung out with lots of talented...

Lego Birthday Party

Lego Birthday Party

It's been awhile since I've posted a party - the last one was my Downton Abbey Dinner Party, and that was for adults.  My youngest just turned 9 and desperately wanted a Lego party theme for her birthday.  Since she is a GIRL, here is my feminized (is that the right...

Does Paint Color Really Matter When Selling Your Home?

Does Paint Color Really Matter When Selling Your Home?

Many people can't see why they may need to repaint prior to listing their home to sell.  As a Nashville Home Stager, I can tell you it's not about just another coat of fresh paint - it's important to choose just the right paint colors and know how paint color...

A Sure-Fire Way to Tell If Your Furniture Arrangement is Wrong

A Sure-Fire Way to Tell If Your Furniture Arrangement is Wrong

Many people are not sure if their living room furniture arrangement is "right."  Today I'm giving you a sure-fire way to figure that out - and it's so simple!   All you need to do is to take two photographs of your room.   Photo # 1:  Find the architectural focal...

Make A Dining Room Sideboard Out of a Dresser

Make A Dining Room Sideboard Out of a Dresser

I've been working with a sweet client on a whole-house design.  We've pretty much been working from scratch - buying new furniture, window treatments, rugs, and accessories.   Up until now, we couldn't find a great sideboard for her dining room (which is a really...

Roller Coaster Ride

Roller Coaster Ride

Bad things happen, good things happen.  And then more bad things happen.  And more good things happen.  So we can focus on the bad, or focus on the good.  Or strap ourselves in and try to just enjoy the roller coaster ride.  Here are a few high points on my roller...

Don’t Wear High Heels to the Flea Market

I have a couple of girlfriends who grabbed me at church on Sunday and said, "We're going to the flea market.  Let's go!"  So off we went, high heels and all.  I haven't been to the Nashville Flea Market in what seems like a bazillion years, which is sad given how much...

Wave Bye-Bye to Your Builder Basic Kitchen

Wave Bye-Bye to Your Builder Basic Kitchen

Having grown weary of her boring home, this sweet gal from Las Vegas contacted me about helping her wave bye-bye to her builder basic kitchen.  After this happy result of a living room eDesign and Color consultation with The Decorologist, my client in Las Vegas is...

Strategies for Choosing Paint Colors

Strategies for Choosing Paint Colors

I was on Pinterest early yesterday morning, and I noticed a popular pin about how to choosing paint colors.  Since I am a Paint Color Consultant, I am always looking for new ideas about such things, of course.  I went to the site and read a post by a blogger...

eDesign on the Florida Coast

eDesign on the Florida Coast

I could probably do eDesigns full-time, if I chose to work solely from home.  I love doing long-distance paint color and design, but I try to keep it to just a couple a week so that I can do more local (Nashville) designs and paint color consultations.  Otherwise, I...

paint color training course

Staging Certification

paint color training course

Color Certification

paint color training course

My Staging Book

paint color training course

Small Wall

paint color training course